Voice Kagura Jepang
Kira has worked on franchises such as…
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üîä VoiceGPT (ƒê·ªìng ƒë·ªôi c√° nh√¢n c·ªßa Genius h·ªó tr·ª£ gi·ªçng n√≥i) - Chatbot AI d·ª±a tr√™n gi·ªçng n√≥i t·ªëi ∆∞u & Tr·ª£ l√Ω h·ªó tr·ª£ GPT3/4 üí¨Kh√°m ph√° ·ª©ng d·ª•ng chatbot AI mi·ªÖn ph√≠ ƒë∆∞·ª£c x·∫øp h·∫°ng h√†ng ƒë·∫ßu, VoiceGPT, ƒë∆∞·ª£c h·ªó tr·ª£ b·ªüi c√¥ng ngh·ªá GPT-3/4 ti√™n ti·∫øn üèÜ. Giao ti·∫øp v·ªõi tr·ª£ l√Ω AI th√¥ng qua nh·∫≠p vƒÉn b·∫£n ho·∫∑c gi·ªçng n√≥i v√† nh·∫≠n ƒë·∫ßu ra b·∫±ng vƒÉn b·∫£n ho·∫∑c gi·ªçng n√≥i, gi·ªëng nh∆∞ c√°ch b·∫°n l√†m v·ªõi con ng∆∞·ªùi. Hi·ªán c√≥ t√≠nh nƒÉng k√≠ch ho·∫°t t·ª´ n√≥ng v√† InstaBubble, VoiceGPT mang ƒë·∫øn s·ª± ti·ªán l·ª£i v√† linh ho·∫°t h∆°n n·ªØa. V·ªõi h·ªó tr·ª£ OCR üñºÔ∏è, t·ª± ƒë·ªông ƒë·ªçc vƒÉn b·∫£n t·ª´ h√¨nh ·∫£nh v√† t√†i li·ªáu ƒë·ªÉ AI x·ª≠ l√Ω v√† ph·∫£n h·ªìi. Tr·∫£i nghi·ªám s·ª©c m·∫°nh v√† t√≠nh linh ho·∫°t c·ªßa VoiceGPT v√† c√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng m·ªõi c·ªßa n√≥ ngay h√¥m nay! ü§ñVoiceGPT cung c·∫•p m·ªôt gi·∫£i ph√°p to√†n di·ªán cho nh·ªØng ng∆∞·ªùi b·ªã suy gi·∫£m th·ªã l·ª±c ho·∫∑c ch·ª©ng kh√≥ ƒë·ªçc, nh·ªØng ng∆∞·ªùi ph·∫£i ƒë·ªëi m·∫∑t v·ªõi nh·ªØng th√°ch th·ª©c khi s·ª≠ d·ª•ng c√°c d·ªãch v·ª• chatbot d·ª±a tr√™n vƒÉn b·∫£n truy·ªÅn th·ªëng. V·ªõi c√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng ƒë·∫ßu v√†o v√† ƒë·∫ßu ra b·∫±ng gi·ªçng n√≥i, giao ti·∫øp v·ªõi m√¥ h√¨nh GPT-3/4 tr·ªü n√™n d·ªÖ ti·∫øp c·∫≠n h∆°n nhi·ªÅu. T·∫≠n h∆∞·ªüng tr·∫£i nghi·ªám chatbot li·ªÅn m·∫°ch v√† thu·∫≠n ti·ªán v·ªõi VoiceGPT üôå.C√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng m·ªõi v√† th√∫ v·ªã:üî• K√≠ch ho·∫°t t·ª´ n√≥ng c√≥ th·ªÉ t√πy ch·ªânh: K√≠ch ho·∫°t VoiceGPT r·∫£nh tay b·∫±ng c√°ch s·ª≠ d·ª•ng c·ª•m t·ª´ ƒë√°nh th·ª©c "Hey, Chat" ho·∫∑c th·∫≠m ch√≠ ƒë·∫∑t c·ª•m t·ª´ ƒë√°nh th·ª©c c·ªßa ri√™ng b·∫°n ƒë·ªÉ c√≥ tr·∫£i nghi·ªám ƒë∆∞·ª£c c√° nh√¢n h√≥a thu·∫≠n ti·ªán h∆°n.üöÄ InstaBubble: S·ª≠ d·ª•ng bong b√≥ng n·ªïi ƒë·ªÉ d·ªÖ d√†ng chuy·ªÉn ƒë·ªïi gi·ªØa VoiceGPT v√† c√°c ·ª©ng d·ª•ng kh√°c, ƒë·ªìng th·ªùi l·∫Øng nghe l·ªùi nh·∫Øc khi nh·∫•p v√†o InstaBubble.ü§ñ T√≠ch h·ª£p tr·ª£ l√Ω: ƒê·∫∑t VoiceGPT l√†m tr·ª£ l√Ω m·∫∑c ƒë·ªãnh s·∫Ω ƒë∆∞·ª£c kh·ªüi ch·∫°y b·∫±ng thao t√°c nh·∫•n v√† gi·ªØ ·ªü nh√†/ngu·ªìn ho·∫∑c c√°c s·ª± ki·ªán t√πy ch·ªânh t·ª´ c√°c ·ª©ng d·ª•ng nh∆∞ Tasker.üë©‚Äçüíª T√≠ch h·ª£p RunGPT: Th·ª±c thi m√£ ƒë∆∞·ª£c vi·∫øt b·ªüi m√¥ h√¨nh GPT-3/4 v√† xem ƒë·∫ßu ra tr·ª±c ti·∫øp trong ·ª©ng d·ª•ng. S·ª≠a ƒë·ªïi v√† ƒëi·ªÅu ch·ªânh m√£ b·∫±ng tr√¨nh ch·ªânh s·ª≠a nh·ªè, ch·ªçn t·ª´ 70 ng√¥n ng·ªØ l·∫≠p tr√¨nh v√† truy c·∫≠p h∆°n 100 g√≥i Python.C√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng hi·ªán c√≥:üèÜ AI Chatbot mi·ªÖn ph√≠ ƒë∆∞·ª£c x·∫øp h·∫°ng h√†ng ƒë·∫ßu: ·ª®ng d·ª•ng tr·ª£ l√Ω AI h·ªó tr·ª£ tr√≤ chuy·ªán h·ªó tr·ª£ GPT-3/4 mi·ªÖn ph√≠ ƒë∆∞·ª£c x·∫øp h·∫°ng t·ªët nh·∫•t tr√™n Google Play!üó£Ô∏è ƒê·∫ßu v√†o b·∫±ng gi·ªçng n√≥i & ƒê·∫ßu ra b·∫±ng gi·ªçng n√≥i: Giao ti·∫øp t·ª± nhi√™n v·ªõi ChatGPT b·∫±ng ƒë·∫ßu v√†o b·∫±ng gi·ªçng n√≥i v√† ƒë·∫ßu ra b·∫±ng gi·ªçng n√≥i.üñºÔ∏è C√¥ng ngh·ªá OCR: T·ª± ƒë·ªông ƒë·ªçc vƒÉn b·∫£n t·ª´ h√¨nh ·∫£nh ho·∫∑c ·∫£nh ƒë·ªÉ model GPT-3/4 x·ª≠ l√Ω v√† ph·∫£n h·ªìi.ü§ù Chia s·∫ª & Xu·∫•t: Chia s·∫ª v√† xu·∫•t to√†n b·ªô cu·ªôc tr√≤ chuy·ªán v·ªõi b·∫°n b√® ch·ªâ b·∫±ng m·ªôt c√∫ nh·∫•p chu·ªôt.üåé H·ªó tr·ª£ 67 ng√¥n ng·ªØ: VoiceGPT h·ªó tr·ª£ 67 ng√¥n ng·ªØ cho c·∫£ ƒë·∫ßu v√†o v√† ƒë·∫ßu ra.‚ö°Ô∏è C√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng n√¢ng cao: Tr·∫£i nghi·ªám c√°c c·∫£i ti·∫øn nh∆∞ b·∫Øt ƒë·∫ßu ƒë·∫ßu ra gi·ªçng n√≥i sau c√¢u ƒë·∫ßu ti√™n v√† h·ªó tr·ª£ cho k√Ω t·ª± d√≤ng m·ªõi.üíª Giao di·ªán th√¢n thi·ªán v·ªõi ng∆∞·ªùi d√πng: Giao di·ªán ƒë·∫πp v√† th√¢n thi·ªán ƒë·ªÉ truy c·∫≠p VoiceGPT thu·∫≠n ti·ªán m·ªçi l√∫c, m·ªçi n∆°i.üíæ C·∫≠p nh·∫≠t th∆∞·ªùng xuy√™n: H∆∞·ªüng l·ª£i t·ª´ c√°c b·∫£n c·∫≠p nh·∫≠t th∆∞·ªùng xuy√™n v·ªõi c√°c b·∫£n s·ª≠a l·ªói, c·∫£i ti·∫øn hi·ªáu su·∫•t v√† c√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng m·ªõi.üåü ƒê·ª´ng g√µ, ch·ªâ c·∫ßn n√≥i! Tr·∫£i nghi·ªám s·ª©c m·∫°nh c·ªßa VoiceGPT v√† c√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng m·ªõi s√°ng t·∫°o c·ªßa n√≥ ngay h√¥m nay! üåüKHUY·∫æN C√ÅO----·ª®ng d·ª•ng VoiceGPT l√† m·ªôt tr√¨nh duy·ªát web ƒëa nƒÉng tr√™n ƒëi·ªán tho·∫°i ƒë∆∞·ª£c thi·∫øt k·∫ø ƒë·∫∑c bi·ªát ƒë·ªÉ gi√∫p ng∆∞·ªùi d√πng d·ªÖ d√†ng k·∫øt n·ªëi v·ªõi c√°c trang web v√† d·ªãch v·ª• h·ªó tr·ª£ AI y√™u th√≠ch c·ªßa h·ªç. V·ªõi c√°c ti·ªán √≠ch m·ªü r·ªông th√¥ng minh s√°ng t·∫°o trong tr√¨nh duy·ªát, b·∫°n c√≥ th·ªÉ d·ªÖ d√†ng s·ª≠ d·ª•ng ƒë·∫ßu v√†o/ƒë·∫ßu ra gi·ªçng n√≥i v√† c√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng ti·ªán l·ª£i kh√°c, n√¢ng cao kh·∫£ nƒÉng t∆∞∆°ng t√°c c·ªßa b·∫°n v·ªõi c√°c n·ªÅn t·∫£ng do AI ƒëi·ªÅu khi·ªÉn. üåêXin l∆∞u √Ω r·∫±ng VoiceGPT l√† ·ª©ng d·ª•ng c·ªßa b√™n th·ª© ba kh√¥ng ƒë∆∞·ª£c li√™n k·∫øt ho·∫∑c x√°c nh·∫≠n b·ªüi OpenAI ho·∫∑c c√°c s·∫£n ph·∫©m c·ªßa OpenAI nh∆∞ ChatGPT, DALL¬∑E, v.v. Ngo√†i ra, VoiceGPT kh√¥ng ƒë∆∞·ª£c li√™n k·∫øt v·ªõi Google ho·∫∑c c√°c s·∫£n ph·∫©m c·ªßa Google nh∆∞ Bard Chatbot, v.v. VoiceGPT l√† m·ªôt ·ª©ng d·ª•ng ph·∫ßn m·ªÅm ƒë·ªôc l·∫≠p s·ª≠ d·ª•ng m√¥ h√¨nh OpenAI ChatGPT ƒë·ªÉ cung c·∫•p cho ng∆∞·ªùi d√πng tr·∫£i nghi·ªám ƒë√†m tho·∫°i d·ª±a tr√™n gi·ªçng n√≥i ƒë·ªôc ƒë√°o. M·∫∑c d√π VoiceGPT cung c·∫•p c√°c t√≠nh nƒÉng s√°ng t·∫°o v√† giao di·ªán th√¢n thi·ªán v·ªõi ng∆∞·ªùi d√πng, nh∆∞ng n√≥ kh√¥ng ph·∫£i l√† s·∫£n ph·∫©m c·ªßa OpenAI ho·∫∑c Google v√† b·∫•t k·ª≥ tham chi·∫øu n√†o ƒë·∫øn c√°c c√¥ng ty ƒë√≥ kh√¥ng n√™n ƒë∆∞·ª£c hi·ªÉu l√† s·ª± ch·ª©ng th·ª±c ho·∫∑c t√†i tr·ª£. OpenAI, ChatGPT, DALL¬∑E v√† c√°c t√™n c≈©ng nh∆∞ bi·ªÉu tr∆∞ng c√≥ li√™n quan kh√°c l√† c√°c nh√£n hi·ªáu ho·∫∑c nh√£n hi·ªáu ƒë√£ ƒëƒÉng k√Ω c·ªßa OpenAI t·∫°i Hoa K·ª≥ v√†/ho·∫∑c c√°c qu·ªëc gia kh√°c. Google, Bard Chatbot c≈©ng nh∆∞ c√°c t√™n v√† bi·ªÉu tr∆∞ng c√≥ li√™n quan kh√°c l√† c√°c nh√£n hi·ªáu ho·∫∑c nh√£n hi·ªáu ƒë√£ ƒëƒÉng k√Ω c·ªßa Google LLC t·∫°i Hoa K·ª≥ v√†/ho·∫∑c c√°c qu·ªëc gia kh√°c.
Lần cập nhật gần đây nhất
The mapping of the above-defined payload format media subtype and its parameters SHALL be done according to Section 3 of [RFC4855].¶
The information carried in the media type specification has a specific mapping to fields in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) [RFC4566], which is commonly used to describe RTP sessions. When SDP is used to specify sessions employing the TSVCIS codec, the mapping is as follows:¶
When conveying information via SDP, the encoding name SHALL be "TSVCIS" (the same as the media subtype).¶
An example of the media representation in SDP for describing TSVCIS might be:¶
The optional media type parameter "bitrate", when present, MUST be included in the "a=fmtp" attribute in the SDP, expressed as a media type string in the form of a semicolon-separated list of parameter=value pairs. The string "value" can be one or more of 2400, 1200, and 600, separated by commas (where each bitrate value indicates the corresponding MELPe coder). An example of the media representation in SDP for describing TSVCIS when all three coder bitrates are supported might be:¶
The optional media type parameter "tcmax", when present, MUST be included in the "a=fmtp" attribute in the SDP, expressed as a media type string in the form of a semicolon-separated list of parameter=value pairs. The string "value" is an integer number in the range of 1 to 255 representing the maximum number of TSVCIS parameter octets supported. An example of the media representation in SDP for describing TSVCIS with a maximum of 101 octets supported is as follows:¶
The parameter "ptime" cannot be used for the purpose of specifying the TSVCIS operating mode due to the fact that, for certain values, it will be impossible to distinguish which mode is about to be used (e.g., when ptime=68, it would be impossible to distinguish whether the packet is carrying one frame of 67.5 ms or three frames of 22.5 ms).¶
Note that the payload format (encoding) names are commonly shown in upper case. Media subtypes are commonly shown in lower case. These names are case insensitive in both places. Similarly, parameter names are case insensitive in both the media subtype name and the default mapping to the SDP a=fmtp attribute.¶
Student Representative Added to FEC Sub-committee Anna Cechony, SAS’ faculty and staff relations chair, recognized the fact that there was a problem with communication between students and faculty members. This became most obvious to Anna last spring when issues regarding professors, class offerings, and designed major options were directed towards members of Senior Staff. Through SAS Orientation this past August, Anna became aware of the fact that all of these problems could and should be better addressed by the faculty, rather than Senior Staff. The faculty at Scripps College are self-governed by an elected group of nine faculty members, including the Dean of Faculty known as the Faculty Executive Committee. This committee has a range of functions, including disgruntled faculty members, course offerings; self designed majors, and set the agendas for the faculty meetings. Anna became aware of the fact that FEC did not have a student representative, unlike many different committees of the college. After a meeting with the chair of FEC, David Andrews, and another member of FEC, Kimberly Drake, Anna proposed new bylaws to FEC to include student representation on a subcommittee. The Academic Policy Sub-committee is composed of two members of the FEC with one designated as the chair and the registrar. The APS reviews changes to the curriculum and academic policy. These include new course proposals and changes to existing courses (e.g. descriptions, titles, pre-reqs), modifications to major requirements, and all other amendment to the Academic Catalog. FEC recently approved Anna’s update to their bylaws to include a student representative on the APS. This position will now be part of the Faculty-Staff Relations Chair’s position, and SAS will soon be updating our bylaws to reflect this change. We are excited that we were able to work with FEC to make them a more accessible, and increase student input in faculty matters. In addition, SAS is working to make FEC a more transparent governing body on campus by providing a description of FEC in the Student Union, along with a list of the 9 current FEC members. If you have any questions or concerns about what APS will be addressing please reach out to our Faculty-Staff Relations Chair, Anna Cechony. _______________________________________________________________________ In the September 18, 2014 edition of the Scripps Voice, the following was inaccurate: Overcrowding Solutions and the New Dorm: Due to growing first-year crowds and last year’s complaints, President Bettison-Varga and staff are reassessing which rooms are suitable for doubles or triples. One problem lies in the fact that Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler Hall (GJW) rooms cannot be converted from their original designations, due to a contract with the donor. Correction: President Bettison-Varga and members of her senior team have been considering the addition of a new residence hall for several years. A new residence hall will both provide additional bed space and ensure that only those rooms built as doubles and triples are utilized as such. Information regarding the Gabrielle Jungles-Winkler Residence Hall, as well as the information provided regarding "a contract with the donor” was inaccurate.
Kira Buckland is a voiceover actor based in the Los Angeles area. For over a decade, she has provided voices for hundreds of characters in various projects, some of the most notable being Jolyne Cujoh in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Queen Dizzy in Guilty Gear Strive, Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact, 2B in NieR:Automata, Mitsuri Kanroji in Demon Slayer, and many more.
With the flexibility to record at LA-area studios or from a broadcast-quality home studio equipped for real-time ADR and SourceConnect, Kira is available to provide voices for video games, animation, anime and dubbing, commercials, corporate narration, phone messaging, toys and children’s media, arcade games, rides, educational apps, machines, industrial voice prompts, product videos, and more.
Kira is currently represented by CESD Talent Agency in LA. She continues to be hired by a variety of repeat clients around the world for her versatility in voices and styles, and frequently appears as a featured guest at anime and comic conventions.